Anti-wrinkle solutions are a widely popular variety of treatments with a plethora of benefits and uses, the most common of which is to minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Over time, levels of collagen and elastin within the skin start to diminish, leading to sagging and wrinkling. Premature ageing is a common concern for many of us, and is furthered by the overactivity of certain facial muscles, especially when we smile, laugh and frown. A common misconception is that this treatment paralyses the facial muscles and eliminates facial expression, whereas this simply isn’t the case. Here at the Dr.JD&Co Clinic, we apply only subtle amounts of product to allow the overlying skin to settle and smooth out without stunting facial expressions.
BOTOX® Cosmetic
Dr.JD offers the highest level of treatment and care, with beautifully subtle, natural-looking results from each and every anti-aging treatment. To optimise your results for long-lasting rejuvenation, each treatment is tailored specifically to you.
Botox® works as a shield between the brain and the muscle so that, even if your brain is telling a muscle to move–whether this is on purpose or because of misfiring neurons–the muscle will stay still.
Some common BOTOX® brands include:
The effects from Botox® will last 3 - 6 months.
Remember, however, that the aim of treatment is not to stop all expression, but to reduce the intensity of the muscle activity that causes the lines in the areas treated.
This gives the skin a chance to rest from the repeated furrowing and creasing that can occur hundreds of times a day, enabling the wrinkles or folds to gradually soften overtime. As muscle action gradually returns, the lines and wrinkles begin to re-appear and wrinkles need to be treated again.
How much BOTOX® will I need?
Depending on what you are hoping to achieve, we recommend 3 areas or as we call it the ‘full forehead’, to achieve the optimal result. 50 units of Botox will be divided and injected to the areas needed.
Temporary bruising is the most common side effect of Botox®. Headaches, which resolve in 24-48 hours, can occur, but this is rare. A small percentage of patients may develop eyelid drooping. This usually resolves in three weeks. This usually happens when the Botox® moves around so you shouldn't rub the treated area for 12 hours after injection or lay down for three to four hours.
In faces, anti-wrinkle injections are used to help prevent new wrinkles and to reduce the appearance of old or emerging wrinkles. Dermal fillers are used to fill out sallow areas of the face, plump up cheeks or lips, and rejuvenate the skin.
You won't see any difference straight away: it takes about three to five days before the injections take effect, and up to two weeks for the full effect to be seen.
To help reduce the accidental spread of Botox® to neighboring muscle groups, we recommend that you avoid lying flat, or move your head down for 4 hours post-treatment and avoid the following activities for around 48 hours:
• Rubbing or massaging the area treated.
• Vigorous exercise.
• Heavy lifting.
• Any “facial” beauty treatments.
Some patients experience a slight headache after their injections, which can be managed with paracetamol if required. Following this period, you can use your normal skin care routine.
The effects generally last for about four to six months. If you want to maintain the effect, you'll need regular follow-up injections.
Course of treatment
It is important to note that for most treatments, the final results are visible around 2-3 weeks post-procedure. Meaning, we encourage you to remain patient during this time before making a final judgment.
That being said, each body is unique and, therefore, the biological PH balance and metabolic rate vary between clients. Results cannot be compared, predicted, or guaranteed. Should you need any follow-up appointments or have questions, please contact Dr.JD’s assistant at
Book an appointment.
Dr.JD offers the highest level of treatment and care, with beautifully subtle, natural-looking results from each and every anti-ageing treatment. To optimise your results for long-lasting rejuvenation, each treatment is tailored specifically to you.

CONCERNS: Vertical lines between the eyebrows, squint lines or crows feet in the corner of eyes, or horizontal forehead lines
SUITABLE FOR: All skin types
TREATMENT PREP: 1 week prior to and 1-week post-treatment: Discontinue use of Ibuprofen, Motrin Aspirin, Naproxen (Aleve), NSAIDS, Fish Oil, Vitamin E, and any other medications that can thin the blood.
TREATMENT TIME: 30-minute appointment
COURSE OF TREATMENT: Follow up appointment is recommended 2 weeks after treatment to evaluate results.
RESULTS SEEN: Full results realized in two weeks.
REPEAT: Typically, every 3-4 months to maintain results
ANTI-WRINKLE INJECTION BRANDS: There are four Health Canada approved products: Dysport, BOTOX Cosmetics, Xeomin, Nuceiva.
Botox® is a neurotoxin derived from Clostridium botulinum, an organism found in the natural environment where it is largely inactive and non-toxic.
Botulinum toxin is used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by paralyzing the underlying muscles.
It is essential that patients understand whether the brand of Botulinum toxin used meets stringent standards of quality efficacy and safety.
There are subtle differences in the chemical formulations of the main brands of Botulinum toxin available in the UK.
Botulinum toxin is available under four product formulations: Botox®, Vistabel®, Azzalure®, and Bocouture®.
While all four are generated from same bacteria, the Botox® brand has most Botulinum toxin in it and lasts longest.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the #1 most common cosmetic complaint patients have is wrinkles. Approved for wrinkle treatment in 2002 and more recently for crow’s feet by the FDA, nothing smooths out wrinkles quicker than Botox® cosmetic.
Botox® treatments are non-invasive with virtually no recovery time necessary; you can resume your normal activities immediately after treatment.
A purified protein that prevents fine lines and deep wrinkles from appearing by relaxing the contracted muscles.
Untreated areas of the face aren't affected, so you can still smile and frown, but the skin on the treated areas won't wrinkle as much as usual.
Not permanent and will naturally break down.
Botox® treatments are ideal for easing over-active muscle movement that can cause deep frown lines and crow’s feet.
Lines and wrinkles are a natural and unstoppable part of the ageing process. While they are inevitable they can be prevented and reduced.
Botox are temporary treatments that keep certain facial muscles in a relaxed state. This prevents them from contracting and reduces your wrinkles. When you begin your treatment, before the lines become too deep, you can prevent getting permanent wrinkles. However, your results are not permanent and you must repeat your Botox treatment every 3 to 6 months. For a permanent solution to your forehead wrinkles, you could opt for a brow lift instead. Your surgeon can use this surgery to sculpt the underlying muscles in a manner that eliminates the use of Botox.
You'll begin to see results between 2-3 weeks after your treatment, lines may continue to fade for up to one week afterwards. Effects generally last 3-4 months
BOTOX treatments are quick and simple, with no downtime. The procedure takes about 10 to 15 minutes. A tiny amount of product is injected with a fine needle into the muscles being treated - this process is virtually painless.
Wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process. As people get older, their skin gets thinner, drier, and less elastic, and less able to protect itself from damage. This leads to wrinkles, creases, and lines on the skin.
Skin fillers add volume to facial areas like your laugh lines and lips while neuromodulators block the action of your nerves and muscles.
With Botox, an expert technician will target the muscles in your face that cause wrinkles to prevent the age creases from forming. If you choose a skin filler treatment, then a specialist will inject the filling substance into your skin to soften some of the wrinkles that you already have.
Botox lasts from three to six months. Facial fillers can last from a few months to a few years.
Advancements in the cosmetic industry have resulted in age fighting treatment options like Botox and facial fillers. Both procedures can help smooth your skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Depending on which filler you have and where, treatments will normally last between 4-13 months and results can be seen instantly.
The effects of BOTOX will gradually disappear until the treated area regains movement. For best results, continue treating the area every four months.
You won't see any difference straight away: it takes about three to five days before the injections take effect, and up to two weeks for the full effect to be seen.
To help reduce the accidental spread of Botox® to neighboring muscle groups, we recommend that you avoid lying flat or move your head down for 4 hours post-treatment and avoid the following activities for around 48 hours:
• Rubbing or massaging the area treated.
• Vigorous exercise.
• Heavy lifting.
• Any “facial” beauty treatments.
Some patients experience a slight headache after their injections, which can be managed with paracetamol if required. Following this period, you can use your normal skin care routine.
The effects generally last for about four to six months. If you want to maintain the effect, you'll need regular follow-up injections.