The Fat Dissolving solution for localised Adiposity
”AQUALYX” is one of the most popular and effective fat removal and body sculpting procedures. It is for those who want to loose fat at stubborn areas of the body.
The human body naturally stores fat, subcutaneous fat, in order to supply energy in times of need. Every body distributes the subcutaneous body fat by a genetically determined pattern. In almost all cases this inherent distribution cannot be remedied by a special diet or increased physical exercise. Aqualyx injections are very effective and is a non-invasive treatment for face and body sculpting. If you do not want invasive surgery and cannot afford the down time and discomfort of invasive liposuction, this is a great treatment to consider.
What is AQUALYX?
Aqualyx® is a compound solution from the deoxycholate family that has been physically modified and, by creating a slow release sugar-based system, the biological half-life is reduced which results in minimal side effects.
‘Aqualysis ™’ or ‘Aquaplasty™’ and a precise protocol is followed. Aqualysis™ or Aquaplasty™ consists of depositing the solution into localised areas of fat such as saddle bags, thighs, stomachs, chins and knees.
Aqualyx® liquefies the fat cell, destroying it permanently, and releasing the lipids that are then eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system.
Indications for AQUALYX™
AQUALYXTM is used for the dissolution of fat deposits. It can be administered over the entire body, except the area around the eyes
Face : double chin, prejowl sulcus
Body : upper arms, armpits, waist, hips, saddlebags, knees, shackles, augmented fat deposits located on buttocks, chest and inner thighs
Other : lipoma, buffalo hump
How does it work?
Aqualyx is made from several different plant-based compounds – the active component is found naturally occurring in the human body. The product is a solution of deoxycholic acid which emulsifies fats. It dissolves the membranes of fat cells in the treated area.
Once the fat cells become unstable, they break down, and the body’s immune system then eliminates the fatty acids via the lymphatic system and liver. Unlike liposuction, the treatment will also cause skin tightening in the area, so you are less likely to end up with loose skin feeling more contoured and toned.
Aqulayx will break down subcutaneous fat over a month and in most cases starts to work straight away once the product is injected. The human body has fatty deposits in areas like the abdomen and thighs to supply energy in times of need. However, due to a genetical predisposition, some fatty deposits cannot be broken down by diet and exercises alone, and the weight cannot be shifted. This leaves small rolls of unsightly fat in certain areas in the body.
When will I see the result?
Swelling and minor bruising can sometimes occur directly after the procedure, but they should disappear within days, if not hours, of leaving the recovery room. The swelling will reduce within a week. Once the swelling disappears, your recovery is finished and you will be able view the results in a matter of 2 months.
is AQUALYX™ safe?
Aqualyx is a safe, effective fat-dissolving injection treatment that reduces fat cells in the treated area. It produces long-lasting results, which means you can banish those unwanted areas of stubborn fat.
What are the benefits of AQUALYX™
Aqualyx is a safe, effective fat dissolving injection treatment
It produces long-lasting results, which means you can banish those unwanted areas of stubborn fat.
Aqualyx can be used to treat small, exercise-resistant, pockets of fat around the chin, chest, abdomen and thighs.
It is very effective for body contouring and skin tightening
Starts to work straight away once the product is injected.
A non-invasive alternative to liposuction.
What to expect from your treatment?
Dr.JD will clean the area and apply numbing cream – we allow 15 minutes for this to work. The cream is wiped off, and a grid-like area will be marked out on the skin with a pen.
Small injections will be administered into the fat layer of the skin. These are generally minimally painful. Up to 10 small doses may be put into the fatty area under the chin. For large body parts, a large cannula will be placed in the area to disperse the treatment. This minimises bruising, discomfort and swelling.
The whole process will take 30 minutes, and you can return to normal activities straight away. If the double chin area is treated, swelling will start almost immediately. You can return to your normal activities once you feel ready, but the area may feel tender for up to 2 weeks. We advise no strenuous exercises for seven days to allow the treatment to settle in.
If you have the double chin treated we would also suggest you pick a time where you can avoid social events for seven days. You can wear a scarf or turtle-neck jump to hide the swelling for until it settles.
need more details…
Aqualyx was developed by Professor Pasquale Motolese, President of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Surgery and Medicine. It has been CE approval for use in the UK, which means it meets the health and safety standards required by the European Union.
Since 2009 Aqualyx has been used in over 2 million treatments in over 49 countries. It has a strong safety record supported by sound medical science. There are very few adverse effects reported, other than swelling for 7-10 days after the treatment with can be uncomfortable. Complications are very rare but can include pain, bruising and itching.
If you have any concerns after your treatment, you are always welcome to contact us for follow-up care and advice.
Is the AQUALYX™ treatment suitable for me?
If you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle and are close to your ideal body weight but have isolated stubborn areas of fat, then Aqualyx might be suitable. Popular areas that we treat are double chins, saddlebags, inner thighs, love handles, back and bra folds, and the abdomen.
This treatment is not intended for weight loss. The area needs to have a good blood supply to it, so it is not suitable for those with a large overhang of loose tissue. We generally recommend treatments areas to be roughly the size of the hand palm.
Are the results permanent?
Whilst the body can regenerate fat cells – the process is very slow. So once fat cells are removed from a localised area your results are as good as permanent.
However, if you do not continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle then your body will put on weight in other areas where fat cells remain.
Course of treatment
It is important to note that for most treatments, the final results are visible around 2 weeks post-procedure. Meaning, we encourage you to remain patient during this time before making a final judgment.
That being said, each body is unique and, therefore, the biological PH balance and metabolic rate vary between clients. Results cannot be compared, predicted, or guaranteed. Should you need any follow-up appointments or have questions, please contact Dr.JD’s assistant at
Book an appointment.
AQUALYX™ is a safe, effective Fat-Dissolving injection treatment that reduces fat cells in the treated area. It produces long-lasting results, which means you can banish those unwanted areas of stubborn fat.

Aqualyx dissolves stubborn unwanted pockets of fat when injected directly into an area.
Aqualyx contains a product called deoxycholic acid which is found naturally occurring in the body. Deoxycholic acid is the main component in bile. Bile is secreted in the human gut when we eat a fatty meal to help us digest fat.
So deoxycholic acid breaks down fat. When this component, which is made up in Aqualyx, is injected into fatty areas it breaks down the fat cell wall and liquifies it.
The breakdown product is then easily cleared from the body via the liver and excreted.
Aqualyx is very safe if administered by a highly trained practitioner. Side effects can be bruising and swelling but these are only transient and clear.
If the product is injected at the wrong level or does not disperse correctly then a small tender nodule ( inflammatory nodule) can appear 2 weeks after the treatment. These are often minor and have no long-term effects. They clear within 2-3 months and do not return. Although they can be worrying to the patient these nodules almost always resolve.
By using a cannula to inject the product and going to a clinic fully trained in the procedure the risk of inflammatory nodules are minimal.
Immediately after treatment, you may appear red and swollen with possible bruising on the treated area. You will feel the skin is sunburnt for a few days.
Aqualyx works by causing an inflammatory reaction in the fat cells which can result in a fair amount of swelling for approximately 3-5 days. If you have a double chin treatment where the swelling may be obvious, you may wish to organise time away from work or social engagements for 72 hours.
We advise resting from physical exercises for 3-7 days after the treatment depending on the body area treated (for example avoid spinning classes if the inner thighs are being treated).
You will be able to reduce the swelling by using a cool pack wrapped in a cloth for 20-minute intervals each day. We do not recommend using anti-inflammatory tablets (ibuprofen) for 48 hours after treatment as this will work against the treatment. The injected area may feel tender and firm for up to 4 weeks post-treatment.
Whilst the body can regenerate fat cells – the process is very slow. So once fat cells are removed from a localised area your results are as good as permanent.
However, if you do not continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle then your body will put on weight in other areas where fat cells remain.
The number of Aqualyx treatments required varies depending on the size of the fatty deposit. Typically, 1-3 treatments for small areas, such as under the chin, and 2-6 treatments for larger areas such as the thighs.
Treatments are spaced at 6-8 weekly intervals. Your results will show in approximately 6 weeks after your final treatment. Please note results differ from patient to patient.
Please bear in mind that you may need more than one treatment for the best results.
Have diabetes
Have liver or kidney disease
Have active skin problems in the area to be treated
Are taking blood-thinning medicine e.g. warfarin
Pregnant/Breast Feeding
Diabetes with Vascular complications
Severe Hepatic disease (liver can’t remove toxins from the blood)
Lowered Immunity
Obesity- BMI of over 32
Allergic to any of the ingredients
Blood Disorders
Clotting disorders