Hand Rejuvenation
Filling with Hyaluronic Acid
Over time, the quality of your skin changes with the ageing process. Collagen and elastic fibres disintegrate and the spread and function of the body’s own hyaluronic acid changes. This results in drier, thinner, rougher skin with less rebound.
You can look after your skin by adding hyaluronic acid through injections under the skin surface. The hyaluronic acid restores the water balance and improves the structure, plumpness and elasticity of the skin.
Despite the seemingly ubiquitous use of fillers, the Food and Drug Administration has approved only a selected number of Dermal Fillers for hand rejuvenation.
What is hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid is one of nature’s most versatile and fascinating substances. It is found throughout the body, as well as in most other living organisms. It has many functions, from giving the skin elasticity and providing our skin with volume, therefore giving it a youthful appearance. Dermal fillers consist of sterile gels consisting of non-animal, cross-linked, hyaluronic acid (HA) created in a laboratory. They contain no human or animal DNA and have the best safety profile of all the fillers currently on the market as it is the only type of filler that is reversible. These products are FDA approved for use in the nasolabial folds and are used “off-label” in other areas.
What does the treatment involve?
A numbing cream will be applied to the area for 15-30 minutes. The area is then cleaned with antiseptic and marked accordingly
A series of hyaluronic acid injections will be injected at the treatment area. Your doctor will then massage the area to smooth the product.
You should avoid touching or applying make up on the treated area for 6 hours in order to prevent infection. Specific post treatment instructions will be given to you on the day of your treatment by our Clinic Coordinator. The treatment usually requires at least 3-5 sessions, 2-4 weeks apart. The results are visible after the third session and the effects will last for around 6 months. It is recommend to repeat the treatment every 3-6 months to maintain the results.
Who should not have the treatment?
Do not proceed with the treatment if you are pregnant or breast feeding.
Are there any side effects?
After the treatment(s) some common, post-injection effects can occur such as pain, itching, discoloration, and tenderness at the injection site. These typically resolve spontaneously within 2 to 10 days. Mild bruising or a slight blush might appear at the injection site immediately following treatment and may last for 2-10 days. We recommend arnica to help speed up this post-treatment effect.
How much filler will I need?
To ensure the safety of our clients and to achieve optimal results, we use only the highest quality and top-rated products available on the market, in our clinic. We recommend you have 2ml on each hand.
How long the result last?
The longevity of these products is variable and each individual may obtain a different result. A plan for regular follow-up treatments to maintain the initial result can be created for you. Our treatment provides a long-lasting but not permanent result leaving you the option of refining your treatment in tune with changing taste and fashion.
Course of treatment
It is important to note that for most treatments, the final results are visible around 2 weeks post-procedure. Meaning, we encourage you to remain patient during this time before making a final judgment.
That being said, each body is unique and, therefore, the biological PH balance and metabolic rate vary between clients. Results cannot be compared, predicted, or guaranteed. Should you need any follow-up appointments or have questions, please contact Dr.JD’s assistant at
Book an appointment.
As we age, the skin of the back of the hands becomes sun damaged and dehydrated. Collagen, fat and elastin is lost leading to crepey skin and revealing the underlying veins, bones and tendons. These can all be improved using fillers.

Well, a tell tale sign of ageing is seen on the back of the hands.
The old saying “If you want to know the age of woman, look at her hands!” has never been truer and comes into sharp focus as we manage to hold back time on the face. As we age, the skin of the back of the hands becomes sun damaged and dehydrated. Collagen, fat and elastin is lost leading to crepey skin and revealing the underlying veins, bones and tendons. These can all be improved using fillers.
During your hand rejuvenation treatment we will use a cannula to gently and almost painlessly feed filler up into the backs of the hands to replace the lost fat and hide the prominent veins, ligaments and bones. Plumping out the area between the ligaments reverses the signs of ageing.
There is a choice of HA fillers and poly-carbon collagen stimulators. Both lift and plump the area and replace the lost fat. Ellanse, Radiesse® and Restylane® Skinboosters™ not only lifts and plumps, it stimulates collagen growth and rejuvenates the skin above the area too.
Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring sugar chain molecule found in all skin and soft tissues throughout the body, identical across species.
It attracts and binds water in the skin, providing volume and hydration, but also ‘cushioning’ and supporting collagen and elastin fibres and providing a medium, or carrier, for chemical messages between the cells.
Dermal fillers are manufactured, usually through fermentation and cross-linking with proteins to produce a clear, sterile gel for injection into the skin.
In the UK, there are over 160 brands on the market due in some part to weak regulation.
Not all hyaluronic acids are the same and legitimate brands are NOT available for general sale on the internet and should only be administered by trained clinicians.
As the effects of aging become apparent in the form of facial lines and wrinkles, you may have considered non-surgical treatment options like dermal fillers.
These injectables are designed to eliminate or reduce the appearances of fine lines, folds and wrinkles. With age, your skin loses collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid by producing these substances as slower rates.
Many dermal fillers feature natural ingredients to replenish the skin’s supply and restore a youthful look.
Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found throughout your body, and it provides the skin elasticity, volume and hydration. As you age your body produces less hyaluronic acid, you may notice wrinkles, folds and a tired appearance.
At our clinic we offer dermal fillers with a stabilized form of hyaluronic acid, which is biocompatible with your skin. Dr. JD injects small quantities of the filler into the wrinkle to smooth it out and reduce its appearance. Dermal fillers also help improve definition and hydrate your skin.
Different formulas are available to treat varying degrees of wrinkles. Dr. JD's patients have received successful results for the treatment of crow’s feet, eyebrow lines, nasolabial folds, frown lines and lip enhancement with dermal fillers.
Some fillers include anesthetics to improve your comfort throughout the injection procedure. hyaluronic acid dermal fillers offer long-lasting, natural results for younger looking skin. Patients often choose these treatment options to increase elasticity and improve the look of fullness.
We recommend follow-up sessions every 6 to 12 months to maintain your desired results.
UV sun rays
Alcohol consumption
Repetitive facial expressions
Inherited genes
Slower cell regeneration
Changes in hormones levels
Sleeping position
Poor nutrition
You may be offered a local anesthetic cream or injection. The practitioner injects the filler in a series of small injections and may massage the area.
The treatment time can vary from 30 minutes to an hour. It may be uncomfortable but should not be very painful.
Dermal fillers are growing in popularity because they are a quick way to reduce the common signs of ageing across your visage.
The very first reason why people love dermal fillers is because they do not have to wait in order to enjoy the benefits of the treatment. As soon as the product is injected into the skin, they are going to see their appearance transform.
Most dermal fillers are based on hyaluronic acid or collagen. These are two substances that you have in your skin already and that cause your skin to look youthful and healthy.
You get long-lasting results! In most cases, you will be able to enjoy a more youthful look for at least half a year. This means that you do not have to return to our clinic often in order to maintain an attractive appearance.
The results are usually subtle. This is what most people want.
One of the main benefits that people receive is a boost in self-confidence after using dermal fillers. They love the way they feel. Our goal is to help you achieve your aesthetic goals and to love your appearance.
Hand rejuvenation treatment is surprisingly pain free. Using a cannula minimises pain and there is a local anaesthetic in the fillers.
As with all injectable treatments, there is a risk of swelling and redness and possibly bruising, although this risk is minimized by the use of a cannula. All will subside within a few days.