For Brighter, Younger-Looking Skin
Chemical peels are ideal for refreshing and revitalising skin that looks tired, dull and lacking in radiance. They’re also highly effective in targeting specific concerns including acne, sun damage, pigmentation, fine line and wrinkles, and scarring.
They work by removing damaged outer layers of skin to reveal smoother, younger-looking skin beneath. At our clinic, we use a comprehensive and advanced range of chemical peels to suit your individual needs and achieve the results you’re looking for. You can read more about the range by clicking below.
What does a peel do?
Smoothen your skin, making wrinkles less visible.
Fade pigment spots and an uneven skin tone.
Make your skin look younger and refreshed.
Boost collagen production, for firmer skin (with repeat treatments every 6 to 8 weeks).
Chemical peels hand-picked for efficacy and long-term results
By targeting the epidermis, chemical peels deliver remarkable results that last for longer. We’re here to talk through and determine the right chemical peel for you. The peels we provide include:
Neostrata peels
This highly-effective range of peels delivers clinically-proven results. Dr. JD will tailor the peels to suit your skin and concerns based on the following Neostrata peels:
Clarifying peel – ideal for treating acne-prone or oily skin, this peel uses mandelic and citric acid to clear and soothe congested skin while calming inflammation.
Brightening peel – with 30% citric acid, this advanced peel controls the signs of hyperpigmentation and sun damage.
Rejuvenating glycolic acid skin-renewal peels – we can tailor the level of glycolic acid in this innovative peel to brighten and restore healthy skin.
Renowned for its anti-ageing properties, glycolic acid penetrates into the epidermis for beautiful, younger-looking skin.
What are the benefits of chemical peels?
Chemical peels are typically used to restore a youthful, vibrant appearance to wrinkly, blotchy, sun-damaged skin. There are three main types of chemical face peels, and each has unique benefits for the skin.
The light chemical peel improves acne scars and skin texture and reduces the effects of sun damage. The medium chemical peel improves acne as well.
The medium peel also smoothest fine surface wrinkles and corrects pigment problems such as age spots.
The deep chemical peel helps treat sun-damaged skin, eliminates deep, coarse wrinkles, and can remove pre-cancerous growths.
What doesn’t a peel do?
Remove visible red blood vessels from your face.
Reduce the size of enlarged pores.
Reduce the visibility of scars.
Create the effect of a facelift.
How long do chemical peels last?
It really depends on what type of chemical peel you have. Deep or medium depth peels can last several years but more superficial peels like glycolic or salicylic acid peels will need to be repeated on occasion. These superficial peels are called "lunchtime peels" and are our patients favorites because they have no or very little downtime.
Superficial peels are very popular, and they can be used to freshen the skin before an event or on an as needed basis.
They Improve Collagen Production
Collagen is one of the most important building blocks of healthy skin. Regular chemical peels promote the production of collagen, which results in healthier, more radiant skin.
What is a Neostrata Peel?
What is a NeoStrata chemical skin peel? NeoStrata ProSystem Peels contain glycolic, mandelic and citric acids with different options of strength. They are used to remove the top layer of damaged surface cells; this reveals fresh cells that are smoother and brighter.
Course of treatment
It is important to note that for most treatments, the final results are visible around 2 weeks post-procedure. Meaning, we encourage you to remain patient during this time before making a final judgment.
That being said, each body is unique and, therefore, the biological PH balance and metabolic rate vary between clients. Results cannot be compared, predicted, or guaranteed. Should you need any follow-up appointments or have questions, please contact Dr.JD’s assistant at
Book an appointment.
Chemical peels can improve the skin's appearance. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes it "blister" and eventually peel off. The new skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. Chemical peels can be done on the face, neck, or hands.

A Fast, Simple Procedure with Quick, Noticeable Results
When you sit down for a chemical peel, you’re sure to be surprised by how little time it takes. The idea that chemical peels require huge amounts of time simply isn’t true. In terms of results, it’s sometimes possible to see them within one treatment. It’s more common to see the effects after three treatments, but quick results are pretty common.
During a chemical peel a “chemical agent” is applied to your skin to exfoliate sun-damaged, thickened surface skin (peeling) and boost collagen production for firmer skin. Find out more here.
Most peels contain one of the following exfoliating ingredients:
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (an AHA, such as glycolic acid)
Beta Hydroxy Acids (salicylic acid, also known as BHA)
There are light, superficial peels, medium peels and deep peels. Superficial peels offer far less dramatic improvement than medium or deep peels (e.g., TCA-trichloroacetic acid or phenol-based) but the risk of side effects, some of which are severe, is higher with deep peels.
Overall, the results depend on the “depth” of the peel. In any event, you can expect fine lines, wrinkles and skin discolorations to become less visible. Skin texture will be visibly improved, collagen production boosted and blackheads will be reduced.
Chemical peels aren’t one-size-fits-all propositions. Light chemical peels are designed for superficial blemishes and problems, while deep chemical peels are designed to take on wrinkles and scars. Medium peels fall somewhere in between.
Chemical peels aren’t for everyone. To find out if you’re an ideal candidate, you should consult with a professional. They will also be able to recommend the peel that will provide the best benefits for you.
A chemical peel can be used to treat various skin problems. Depending on the issues you're addressing with the procedure, you'll choose a chemical peel in one of three depths:
Light chemical peel - A light (superficial) chemical peel removes the outer layer of skin (epidermis). It can be used to treat fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone and dryness. You might have a light chemical peel as often as every two to five weeks — depending on your desired results.
Medium chemical peel - This type of chemical peel removes skin cells from the epidermis and from portions of the upper part of your middle layer of skin (dermis). A medium chemical peel can treat wrinkles, acne scars and uneven skin tone. You might repeat a medium chemical peel after three to nine months to maintain results.
Deep chemical peel - A deep chemical peel removes skin cells from the epidermis and from portions of the mid to lower layer of your dermis. Your doctor might recommend a deep chemical peel if you have deeper wrinkles, scars or precancerous growths. A deep chemical peel can only be performed once.
This procedure takes about 20 minutes to complete. Chemical peels are liquids brushed on to the face to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells.
With most chemical peels, adverse reactions are rare, but can include scarring, numbness, and infection. Following mild to medium peels, patients can expect some relatively common chemical peel side effects, such as mild irritation, redness, and peeling.
These side effects will usually last for only a few days. Stronger chemical peels generally take more recovery time, and the peeling and/or crusting of the skin is typically more pronounced. As with any medical procedure, patients who decide to undergo a chemical peel should carefully follow their doctors’ instructions for pre- and post-procedure care so that they minimize the potential for adverse side effects.
The majority of patients who undergo a chemical peel suffer no serious side effects as a result of the procedure, and most patients say that they would gladly repeat the treatment. However, potential severe risks of chemical peels include permanent scarring, permanent pigment change for people with darker skin, and chemical burns.
Because chemical peels can cause adverse reactions, prior to undergoing any chemical peel treatment you should provide your doctor with a complete medical history and tell your doctor if you have:
A history of heart disease
Recurring fever blisters or cold sores
A tendency to scar
Discontinue use of tanning beds at least two weeks prior to a chemical peel. In fact, we advise that you stop using tanning beds altogether because they increase your risk of skin cancer and accelerate visible signs of aging.
Avoid extensive sun exposure, especially in the 10 days prior to your scheduled chemical peel.
You must not have had facial laser removal treatments at least for 3 months prior to booking your peel.
No facial waxing for 7 days prior to treatment.
For those of you who are on an acne treatment regimen, you need to stop the use of Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Avage, EpiDuo or Ziana five days prior to treatment.
If you are using Retinol products, stop the use of Retin-A (retinol) products or applications for 7-10 days prior to a chemical peel. High percentage alpha hydroxy (AHA) and beta hydroxy (BHA) products should be stopped five days before treatment.
Always apply a broad spectrum sunscreen daily (at least SPF 30 or higher) and avoid the gym 24 hours prior to a chemical peel.
Do not use aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (ex. Advil) for at least 7-10 days prior to a chemical peel.
Once you have undergone your chemical peel, expect to see some changes with your skin prior to getting your final results. Just as there are some instructions you should follow before your chemical peel there are instructions you should follow after your chemical peel to ensure the best possible results.
On post peel day 3, you may experience mild to moderate shedding depending on the depth of chemical peel, the number of layers applied and depth of the chemical peel. There can be dryness and tightness of the skin. Flaking and peeling three days post peel is not uncommon, unless you had a superficial peel. Superficial peels have little to no downtime, so you may not experience shedding.
If you’re using make up, for the first week, only use mineral based or natural foundation.
You may develop small whiteheads, but please note that this IS NOT A BREAKOUT.
If you have a lighter skin complexion, you may notice mild redness after a chemical peel.
Do not peel or pick at the peeling skin. You must allow the skin to flake off naturally. Picking at the peeling skin can cause hyperpigmentation.
Do not apply ice or water to the areas that have been treated. Also, avoid applying makeup on the day of your treatment because the skin needs time to stabilize and rest.
For the first 48 hours after your chemical peel, do not participate in activities that increase body heat and sweat, such as drinking alcohol, exercise/working out, hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas, hot shower spray, swimming or directing a hair dryer to the treatment area. Internal heating can cause hyperpigmentation.
Golden Rule: Make sure that you are also avoiding direct sun exposure and excessive heat. Continue to use a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher just as you were prior to your peel. Do not use expired or old sunscreen.
Make sure to keep your skin well hydrated with a protective moisturizer. Apply it twice daily or more often if needed to reduce the appearance of flaking.
For five days after your chemical peel, do not have electrolysis, facial waxing or use depilatories.
Avoid using retinols and glycolic acids for 10 days post peel.
Do not use scrubs, loofahs, exfoliating sponges or other means of mechanical exfoliation on your face for 7-10 days.
Do not go to a tanning bed for at least two weeks post procedure.
If you are on an acne regimen, delay the use of tretinoin, Retin-A, Differin, Renova, Tazorac, Avage, EpiDuo, or Ziana 5 days post procedure. However, it is fine to resume using a vitamin C serum five days after your treatment.
It is extremely important that you DO NOT have another chemical peel until your clinician advises you to.
If you notice increased redness, increased hyperpigmentation or crusting of the skin, contact your doctor or skincare professional.
Don’t pick or pull at the flaky skin! The whole purpose of a chemical peel is to lift away surface dry, damaged cell layers and reveal younger-looking, healthy new cells. But to do this, the skin has to shed. That’s the part that people dislike the most. Picking off dry, flaky skin when it may not be ready to come off can result in scarring and unnecessary redness.
Don’t use a washcloth, facial scrub or sonic cleansing brush - Dead, flaky skin softens up when exposed to water.
Don’t over-moisturize to compensate for post-peeling dryness - While you DO want to keep the skin moist because moisturizers can aid healing and you certainly don’t want the skin to crack, it’s important to know that the whole purpose of a chemical peel is to peel.
Don’t exfoliate with acids or enzymes - It is so important to not remove the peeling skin before its time. Skin must shed naturally on its schedule. Acids and enzymes, whether in a cleanser, toner, serum, mask or moisturizer, will only irritate the skin further and possibly burn and temporarily scar the skin.
Don’t eat highly acidic foods - If tomato sauce, oranges and salsa touch the face, they can lower the pH of the skin to the point of causing serious irritation.
Don’t sweat too much - Especially at the height of the peeling, your protective barrier is very damaged.
Don’t use any type of retinol or prescription retinoids.
Do treat your skin gently - Be sure to use a very light touch when massaging any type of product onto your skin. No aggressive rubbing at all. Some of the flaking cells are still attached to live cells, and you don’t want to risk pulling anything off that isn’t ready.
Do be extra careful when the skin is wet - Water melts and softens dead skin, so it’s very easy to rub off both dead and live cells when the skin is moist. This means avoid using washcloths or sonic cleansing brushes. It’s too risky.
Do wear sunscreen - Stating the obvious, but the skin is very vulnerable post-peel. UV light (even daylight on a cloudy day) is damaging your skin. If the skin is overly flaky and you’re being mindful of not touching it too often, consider trying an SPF-infused powder. You can dust it on for a quick and easy, rub-free reapplication.
Do limit your time outdoors - You want to hibernate as much as possible to keep your skin protected. The last things you want to expose your skin to are heat and UV light. It’s already in such an inflamed state, you don’t want to make it worse.
Do use products with soothing ingredients - You want to provide as much comfort to the skin as possible to ease redness and irritation. we recommend Calm Repair Masque or Rapid Response Detox Masque, depending on the client’s skin type.
Do keep your skincare routine simple and gentle - Wash your skin with a gentle, low-foaming, sulphate-free cleanser. Use an essence but mist it on the skin. Apply a no-sting, acid-free antioxidant serum. Apply moisturiser (One with Zinc Oxide is ideal as it will be more soothing to the skin.)
Do use a natural skin brightener - Since chemical peels can stimulate melanin activity, you don’t want to end up with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a condition in which you develop brown spots or patches post-peel (common in skin that already struggles with discoloration/brown spots). We recommend that our clients use a vitamin C serum.
A chemical peel can cause various side effects, including:
Redness - Normal healing from a chemical peel involves redness of the treated skin. After a medium or deep chemical peel, redness might last for several months.
Scarring - Rarely, a chemical peel can cause scarring — typically on the lower part of the face. Antibiotics and steroid medications can be used to soften the appearance of these scars.
Changes in skin colour - A chemical peel can cause treated skin to become darker than normal (hyperpigmentation) or lighter than normal (hypopigmentation). Hyperpigmentation is more common after superficial peels, while hypopigmentation is more common after a deep peel. Changes in skin colour are more common in people who have darker skin and can be permanent.
Infection - A chemical peel can cause a flare-up of the herpes virus — the virus that causes cold sores. Rarely, a chemical peel can lead to a bacterial or fungal infection.
Chemical peels can't decrease pore size or eliminate deep scars or wrinkles.
A chemical peel isn't for everyone. Doctor JD might caution against a chemical peel or certain types of chemical peels if you:
Have taken the acne medication isotretinoin (Amnesteem, Claravis, others) in the past six months.
Have a dark complexion.
Have a personal history of ridged areas caused by an overgrowth of scar tissue (keloids).
Have abnormal skin pigmentation.
Have a history of frequent or severe outbreaks of cold sores.